Friday, December 7, 2012

25 weeks: International Travel.

25 Weeks (while packing, the sign got a little smeared).
 So, this week, we will be flying from Cape Town to my hometown in the United States. With layovers, it will be just under 48 hours of travel. Many of you will think I’m crazy for attempting this. Trust me I am not, and I have the complete blessing of my doctor. I will see her the day before we fly out for one last check-in. If there were any concerns, AT ALL, I wouldn’t be flying. I am confident that the traveling will go well- I have had no physical concerns this entire pregnancy (touch/knock on wood) and don’t expect any to arise. I of course know that I will have aches and pains from sitting for long periods of time. To this end, I will be wearing compression socks during the flights and will take regular walks and bathroom breaks as needed. I will have an aisle seat for easy sitting and exiting. I will have an abundance of snacks to keep me satisfied, and many bottles of water bought after passing airport security. I have a new memory foam neck pillow to help me sleep, ear plugs, as well as my favorite eye mask. I will also have my Panado (Tylenol) for pain. This is my plan. Who knows how it will really go? I’ll report back for inquiring minds in a future post. 

Why am I going? Simple. I haven’t seen my family and friends for an entire year. This will be the only time my mother will get to “meet” her grand-baby until she is at least several months old. Being pregnant without my main support system was not necessarily how I had imagined my first pregnancy going. I need this trip. I need the connection to people who care about me to remain strong.

The Bump and Baby Center say this about Week 25:

“You might start to have trouble sleeping around week 25. This is a common complaint of many moms-to-be. Some people will tell you that’s just your body’s way of prepping you for sleepless nights with baby, but those comments won’t help you get the rest you need! Experiment with different strategies for getting some sleep. One idea is to drink extra water early in the day, so you can start tapering off your intake as you get closer to bedtime. That way, you might need less bathroom breaks during the night and can keep sleeping. After all, now that baby’s crowding your bladder, you’ve got to pee. A lot.

 Your baby's the size of a cauliflower! She's enjoying her new sense of equilibrium -- she now knows which way is up and which is down. Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.”

Pregnancy Tracking Questions

How far along: 25 weeks
I wore the same shirt at 22 weeks- compare bump size here.
Size of Baby: Cauliflower.
Sleep: Not so bad lately- I’m trying to make myself go to bed at a reasonable hour (hard for me pregnant, or not). I wish I could sleep in more.
Maternity clothes: I’m packing one pair of jeans and wearing yoga pants to travel. That’s it. So, first order of business (after buying sim cards for our phones), is to get some maternity pants.
Stretch marks: Not yet.
Best moment this week: Going to an outdoor concert on Sunday at Kirstenbosch Gardens to see Mango Groove. So fun.
Worst moment(s) this week: Being in a hypercritical and emotional mood on Sunday
Miss anything: No, because I know I'll get to eat anything I'm missing in just a few days!
Movement: Nice and strong. She tends to favor my right side.
Cravings:  Not really, but I have really been enjoying avocado and seedless green grapes this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: This hardworking delivery man’s body odor really got to me yesterday.
Belly button in or out: In.
Looking forward to: Getting through the next two days of travel with my sanity! I’m packing my Panado (paracetemol/acetominephen)!

Song of the Post: So Happy Together by The Turtles.



Sami said...

Have a safe trip and enjoy the holiday period with your family. I'm sure it will make you happier.

Crystal said...

Safe travels! I cant imagine travelling for 48 hours (let alone while pregnant!) I'm sure it will all be worth it when you get to see your family back home :)

Stephanie said...

I hope you have a safe trip to the US and enjoy your time with your family. Thanks for stopping by at my blog :)

xo Stephanie